Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Britney. Nicki. Gaga.

Britney. Nicki. Gaga.

Some Critics Say Britney Doesn’t Have Moves, But She Can Cha-Cha-Cha-CHING!
When it comes to numbers, Britney hits them on the charts and fills them in the seats—no doubt about it. Last year her Circus tour earned $131.8 million. This summer, her girl-power-through-the-ages themed Femme Fatale tour grossed $6.2 million in the 10 ten shows alone.
And the cash register isn’t closed yet, in fact, this month started off with a little extra femme power.  Mega star Lady Gaga checked out the Femme Fatale concert in Atalantic City, (the same city where Gaga her track song Born This Way during her own tour) and the crowd went gaga!

The Femme Fatale tour was filmed this past weekend at the Air Canada Centre. The video will be the official concert tour DVD and air on Epix HD later this year.

Britney’s Minaj à Trois Not Enough For Gaga
Was adding hip-hop princess Nicki Minaj, California girl group, Jessie and the Toy Boys, and the sexy Australian twin sisters of Nervo to the concert line-up not enough girl-on-girl action for Lady Gaga?
According to, here is what Gaga had to say:

"Singing about sexuality between heterosexuals does not cause enough controversy as I want to create. "

Apparently Gaga admires Britney’s strength and beauty, but just does not think she will be following in Brit Brit’s creative footsteps any time soon.  Here is a quote from Gaga using Britney as a reference towards her work in comparison to the type sexy she (Gaga) puts on.

"A girl’s got to use what she’s given and I’m not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don’t say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It’s meant to make guys think: ‘I don’t know if this is sexy or just weird."

In Gaga’s latest video, she decides she doesn’t want guys and girls just loving her and each other (not exactly in that order). She wanted something more profound. She wanted herself! Watch the video to see her kiss herself, as a dude.

It’s Britney Bitch
So earlier this summer, rumors spread that Britney and Nicki got catty on the Femme Fatale tour earlier this summer (mmm hmm).  According to Britney was getting all diva after Nicki went too long on her stage time, not once, but twice! Who knows if this rumor is true, but I can tell you that I checked out the show in Dallas and it was catfight free. I actually read that Nicki was really excited to do the tour with the one and only Britney, something that she would not consider doing with any other artist of the like.  Smart move, Britney brings bank. I mean it's Britney BIRRR (Nicki voice).

They both went fatale with it for sure. In fact, it was refreshing to hear Britney sing LIVE. Seriously, I don’t think she did much lip-synching at all. I give her props for that. And, in my opinion, I think Britney does a great job of mixing in that electra and dubstep sound with pop.  Nicki did not disappoint either. She had a full show and managed to keep it just a hair over PG13.  

Her is one of my clips of the Dallas show.

Live music, now that's #SoFly


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